Welcome to Thought Jumble! 🤩

Hi everyone! 👋 🐧

✨ My name is Dave and I recently began my journey creating and publishing Notion Templates on Gumroad and marketing that journey on Twitter.

I have been really enjoying the whole experience so far, and so I thought I would add one more medium to do just that and more!

✨ Thought Jumble is another place to firstly show what I have been working on and how I work but also display productivity tips and tricks on Notion and other applications as well! I will also be sharing my thoughts and of course, asking wild questions! 🔥

All of this and more will be shared in an easy-to-digest...

✨ I am super excited about what the future holds! If you are too, join me on my journey by subscribing to Thought Jumble so you stay updated on my future projects! 💪

❤️ Made with Love by Dave 🐧 | Buy Me A Coffee ☕ | Bento |